Why Software Engineering?

I've loved technology since high school and have recently begun pursuing it as a career through my study of software engineering at App Academy. The ability for code to be simple yet provide a robust solution to a problem is what drives me to learn more in the field. I'm always excited to try out a new tehnology or find a way to rework an existing solution.

About Me

As much as I enjoy coding, I find that I need to take occasional breaks to explore the great outdoors. Whether it be backpacking the Mogollon Rim or going for a run through my hometown of Phoenix, I always enjoy getting the chance to explore outside. (Even if the running in Phoenix gets a little hot in the summertime)


Through my software engineering studies I have explored a wide variety of languages and technologies, and am always looking to learn more.

Check out what I've been working on

I've been able to work on several projects and improve my understanding
of JavaScript, React, Python, Flask, and several other technologies

  • Hike More

    A repository of hikes that have been added by users with search functionality and favoriting. Built with React, Flask, and the Google Maps API.

  • Woof Woof

    A chat application that lets users send live messages via public channels or private DM's with notifications built with React, Flask, and websockets.

  • MellowCloud

    A SoundCloud clone built with Express and React that utilizes AWS to provide continuous play, playlists, and a seamless reactive website.

  • WanderHunt

    My first project was designed around cloning the website ProductHunt utilizing an Express backend with a Pug template frontend.

Are You Interested?

I'd love to connect! Check out my resume or feel free to contact me below.